When is counselling helpful?

February 1, 2022

 People often present to a counsellor as the result of a specific trigger. 

Examples of triggering situations include a traumatic incident, stress at work, relationships, financial tensions and grief. At times such as these, people may seek out an independent and confidential person to speak with. 

Counselling styles, approaches and contexts vary.  Your counselling journey may start with the counsellor listening to your reason for attending and your hopes for counselling support. Sometimes it becomes obvious that the triggering motivation overwhelmed your normal coping capacity. People often experience surprise that a minor thing derails them and then find themselves discussing earlier traumas and mental health issues. It can certainly be a relief to express troubles and issues that you have kept to yourself for a long time. 

As counsellors we are often presented with multiple challenges. To support your therapy you may find that your counsellor will work with you to clarify the different issues.  They may discuss their assessment findings and support options. They may also recommend referral to a specialist service or group.

Each person’s therapeutic journey is unique and timing plays a part as the counselling journey is led by you, the client. Sometimes it takes time for you to work through things. For many people they may find the initial sessions helpful and also decide that talking things through was sufficient having felt better for having the conversation. They may take up the offer of referral to the specialist service, they may continue with their current counsellor. 

Counselling clients can also choose when to see their counsellor. Examples are they attend just once and discharge, do intensive sessions for a short period of time and discharge or space out sessions over a longer period.  Some people check in with their counsellor as a maintenance strategy. Often this may be a discharge process, -  knowing that your counsellor knows you well and you can arrange an appointment with them when needed. 

Counsellors are there to support. They can collaborate to enable your informed choice and some clarity around the direction of the therapy sessions. Feeling clearer and informed can enable a sense of calm and empowerment.

If you have any questions or would like to see a counsellor yourself, please get in touch.



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